Knowing you who you are partnering with is key to any successful endeavor. We like to meet several times initially so that we can determine if we’re a right fit for what you’re looking to accomplish.
Are business plans necessary? Not in all business cases but when you’re looking to raise investor money, you will need a business plan. A prudent business investor will want to understand how you get from point A to point success and the steps along the way. A business plan shows that you’ve thought this through and have a path to success.
Small business funding has become very complex and is affected by a variety of factors ranging from the current state of the economy to there being limited government resources which tend to be highly restrictive.
Venture Capitalist investment is always a risky model and really depends on who you work with. Not all VCs are the same, so you must proceed cautiously down that route. At B4D, we’re not a venture capitalist firm rather angel investors who have been in the same position the startup entrepreneur has been in. We founded, built and grew businesses and now look to help others do the same through funding that might not otherwise be available. Once all the details are worked out, we have a variety of funding models and can fund rather quickly. Then the ball is in the owner/operator’s court.
B4D doesn’t just bring dumb money to the table. We work with partners in accounting, legal, and insurance who can offer advice and assistance whenever necessary. All that we offer is to ensure that the owner/operator is set up for long term, profitable and sustainable success.
Your journey into entrepreneurialism starts with taking that first leap of faith. It starts with a drive to be your own boss, and the desire to gain financial freedom. There will not be anything easy about it, but it will be the most fulfilling accomplishment of your professional career if done right.